Breast Cancer

The Homestretch

It’s hard to believe that I only have 2 more rounds of chemo left…TWO! It’s also strange to realize that I have been receiving chemo for nearly 6 months… It’s been an unbelievable test to my spirit and my desire to live. But the battle is not yet won, almost though 😉

February 27th I meet with my radiation oncologist to go over her plan of attack…she will be running a series of tests to ensure that I don’t have any ‘hot spots’ before proceeding with the actual business of getting me ready for radiation. Once the scans come back clean those same scans will be used to determine exactly where the radiation will be aimed. Then I’ll be tattooed and the computer will use those tattoo marks to line up the machine to deliver the radiation as precisely as possible. We’ll do a trial run to confirm everything is on the mark and then I’ll begin 6 weeks of daily treatments.

On March 11th I’ll be having my pre-op appointment for my port removal and its possible that the port could be removed that same week. I’m hoping so…this problematic little port needs to go bye-bye!

The only downer; reconstruction will have to wait 4-6 months after radiation treatments have ended. Unfortunately, the treatments will do their own damage to the area and its best to wait and see what the final outcome will be before having ‘everything fixed’.

I am happy to report that I will NOT have to take Tamoxifen after all! Yay!!! I’ve put my heart through enough already, thank you very much! LOL Instead, I’ll be on Femara for 10 years…talk about having a ball and chain!

Right now I’m focused on getting over whatever bug I caught. My oncologist wasn’t pleased with my fever, cough or sore throat but decided to give my immune system a little test drive to see if I could fight the infection on my own without the need for antibiotics, etc. So with the help of wheat grass, juice, green tea and a TON of rest, I am happy to report that I’m on the mend…just in time for chemo! LOLOL

Thank you to everyone for your love and support! Everyday I’m winning this battle and its because I have all you helping me along the way!

Breast Cancer

Hint of Light

It’s interesting how mundane life can become in the midst of weekly chemo rounds; Mondays are bloodwork days, Tuesdays are ‘try to keep anxiety levels under control’ and shopping for produce day, Wednesdays are chemo day and the rest of the week is a mix of sleeping, taking pills, coping with joint pain and the occasional day/night where body completely rejects food in the most unladylike of ways. I’m still hesitant to go out in public; flu season is still in full swing here and the medical mask causes more stares then my head.

My mom has been here since the 8th and I’m thankful she’s been able to come back; not only do I love the companionship but its a welcome and highly appreciated break for Mike. All the house chores are caught up, she’s restocked the freezer with her awesome burritos and made me a double fleece blanket to help keep me warm. For some reason I’m having trouble staying warm lately and I always freeze at the chemo ward…

I’m continuing to be a source of intrigue to my oncologist; my hair is growing back sooner/faster then expected, my nail beds are clearing up (they were grey from the chemo) and I have no neuropathy (pins and needles sensation in the hands and feet)…something that happens with my current chemo drug. I do get joint pain, but even the headaches are easing up. I contribute it all to juicing 🙂

Now if my port would just cooperate, I’d be a happy camper! Even with my port getting accessed and flushed on a weekly basis, the nurses have pulled clots three times now. SO not good. Not to mention the sharp pains and constant aching…I’m so over this port! Luckily, my oncologist has authorized me to have my port removed as soon as I’ve completed my chemo treatments! Woo hoo! Once that sucker is out, I’m going to hang it on a wall and throw darts at it! Hahaha

This Wednesday will be round 12 of 16… I’m almost there! I’ll get a week off to build up my strength before I get my port removed, rest another 2 weeks and the radiation treatments will begin…30 in all.

But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and its starting to get brighter 🙂 Cancer picked the wrong girl to mess with!